School Plays

Before the Easter holidays, 3rd&4th and 5th&6th put on two musical plays for the whole school and for families. 3rd&4th did a ‘whodunnit’, The Mystery of Magpie Manor; while 5th&6th did a drama, Mermaids vs. Pirates.

An awful lot of work went into both productions, so a very special thanks to múinteorí David, Clíona, Jean and Niamh for all their efforts. The hard work paid off and the children rose to the challenge with amazing acting and singing from everyone. Both plays were great fun and were filled with terrific songs and dancing..20170404_125434 20170404_125440 20170404_125643 20170404_125701 20170404_125704 20170404_125908 20170404_125914 20170404_125920 20170404_125922 20170404_130104 20170404_130535 20170404_130548 20170404_130550 20170404_130954 20170404_130958 20170404_131000 20170404_131056 20170405_094043 20170405_094103 20170405_094221 20170405_094322 20170405_094457 20170405_094501 20170405_094607 20170405_094807 20170405_094835 20170405_094843 20170405_095635 20170405_095708 20170405_095935 20170405_095942 20170405_100008 20170405_100030 20170405_100119 20170405_100148 20170405_100333 20170405_100505 20170405_100945 20170405_101040 20170405_101231 20170405_101319 20170405_101507 20170405_101549 20170405_101622 20170405_101647 20170405_101715 20170405_101749 20170405_101907 20170405_101951 20170405_102010 20170405_102037 20170405_102220 20170405_102316 20170405_102427 20170405_102544 20170405_103933