Senior Maths Challenge

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all keeping well at this difficult time.

Each Tuesday I will be sending out a maths challenge to the students in our school.

This week we will be focusing on our tables. When we know our tables it makes our lives so much easier. This is a fantastic time to practice your addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables. For parents please take a few minutes each day to revise with your child the tables they have already completed in school. If they are confident on them already feel free to move on to the next set.

My favourite game for revising tables is . It can be accessed on a computer, tablet or phone (an alternative is PopMath Lite which can be found in the app store). By next Monday please email me with your name, class and top score (a picture would be great) and I will choose 5 maths stars of the week! I will post them up on the website and email out certificates. My email address is

All the best,
