Good Morning everyone!
I hope you all had a great long weekend and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine.
Huge thanks to everyone who has sent in their photo to be included in our school positivity video. If you have not yet done so please email a photo of your child/ children or whole family doing something they enjoy by Friday 5th June. My email is
It was great to hear and see how helpful and kind everyone is being at home. I enjoyed seeing your projects, drawings and creations about love that you sent me. All those who have sent me photos of your great work, I have sent you a certificate for your hard work. Well done! You can see lots of great work on our school website If anyone else would like to send me any photos of drawings, projects or work they’ve completed on our ethical education themes please email me and I can share them with our school community.
This month’s theme is honesty. Being honest and telling the truth is one of our golden rules. Chat together about what honesty means and the importance of being honest.
Here is a video to help your discussion if you wish to use it
Stay safe!
Kind Regards,
Múinteoir Carol